Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Big Vans With Air Conditioning... It's The Little Things

And we're off! Not even 12 hours in and I can already tell this is where I need to be and where I want to be.  The last few weeks leading up to this point have been difficult, the anticipation of going and watching so many others leave for college had me getting antsy and anxious.  I just wanted to get started! My engine was revving but wheels not aloud to spin.  They're finally spinning and I'm headed full steam ahead!

Thanks to momma Hersh for posting these
pics on FB so I could download them!

I'm writing form a hotel room in Carol Stream, Illinois, near Wheaton College and about two minutes from the LeaderTreks headquarters.  Tomorrow morning at 8:00 sharp we'll all pack our bags back into the cramped yet beautifully air conditioned van and head up to a lodge in Three Lakes Wisconsin.  After three days or so there it's off to Montana for an eight day backpacking trip in the wilderness!  I can't wait to see what God has in store for me at these next two stops and beyond.  I may not have internet access at the lodge and definitely won't in the backcountry.  Though it's possible I won't be able to post for a while, know that I am in very good hands, none better actually.  God's hands are the best to be in after all!  Plus I love being off the grid, so don't feel bad for me.

It turns out there are only six of us participants heading out on this great adventure rather than the 10-12 I previously expected.  When I first heard there are only six of us, I was quite nervous to be honest.  I'm the type of guy that likes bigger groups.  I like to be able to bounce around and I get my energy from being with people.  Upon getting here (Carol Stream, just outside of Chicago) and meeting my fellow participants, I couldn't be more excited to have such a small number.  These are guys who I truly enjoy being around (so far at least) and can't wait to embark on the adventure of a lifetime with.  Plus, our 12 passenger van is completely stuffed to the brim with people and bags and I can't imagine fitting anything else in there.  I will say that I have never been in a 12 passenger van with air conditioning.  After traveling around Honduras and Romania in the sweltering heat for hours in large vans with no AC in past years, I'll trade the cramped space for bearable temperatures any day.  Those of you with me in those vans on past trips will completely understand.

My sendoff crew last night.  Love you guys!

I'm thankful for the opportunity to travel the country jumping into adventure after adventure with my brothers in Christ for the next seven months.  Thanks to those of you who have supported me financially and plan to do so yet.  And to my prayer warriors out there, love you guys! Your prayers are already being felt.  I was sent off by a great group of friends around me last night.  I'm blessed to have such a conglomeration of friends and family who love me and support me!  Thank you all for being behind me on this one.  I know that God is going to great things in and through me and the other guys on this adventure.  I couldn't be more excited for the next seven months!


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  3. Just finished reading the rest of the posts. We're all looking forward to hearing from you along your journey, and hope that you have the biggest blast of a gap year possible! (Blogger/Google is giving me fits, sorry for the multiple comments)

  4. Bye Beni, hope you find your dad (get it!? It's an Elf quote and a reference to God! Woah!)!
    Missing you already but so excited for you and your adventure! You rock! Enjoy the rare AC :)

  5. What, AC?! Coulda used that in the 100 degree days in Romania... Haha! Can't wait to hear about the things that God will stir up in these upcoming months. I don't think it'll be too hard but, HAVE FUN!

  6. Love you Ben! Can't wait to see what God does to/ for you in these exciting times!

  7. I'm so excited for you dude! I can't Wait to here more about the trip. I haven't been injured seriously yet so that's good. Joke of the day - people tell me to follow my dreams so I kept sleeping

  8. Praise the Lord for air conditioning! SO insanely psyched to follow you on this epic journey! Praying for you big time, bud! God's got some GREAT things in plan for your group and your heart.
