Sunday, November 1, 2015

Moab and Extreme 'Mocking

Alright so this post is more than a little late. Sorry about that. Since my last post, I've been to Moab, Utah, Goblin Valley State Park, Utah, and Houck, Arizona, on the Navajo nation. It's been a lot to pack into just over three weeks! Moab was an adventure trip, which means (believe it or not) we did adventure things! Before a few weeks ago, I'd heard of Moab but didn't know much about it. I knew it was in the desert and the mountain biking was supposed to be some of the best around. Well, after spending a week on a bike flying up and down trails around Moab, I can confirm both of those statements. Moab is definitely in the desert and Moab has the best trials I've ever mountain bikes on! Granted that's not saying much as this was the first time I've ever done biking like that, but STILL. 

The biking itself was really hard and I started out on the struggle bus (don't worry though mom, I only fell a few times and I'm still in one piece). My excuse is that it has been a while since I've ridden a bike. Anyways, as the week went on, I became much more confident in my abilities (which were there at the start, just lacking confidence), and was able to conquer some trails that I never would have thought possible before! As far as sleeping in Moab, we rented a spot at a campsite in the city, which was great for drive time in the morning, but it was right near the local high school which meant when the band started practice at 7am, we all knew it. 

After a week or so of mountain biking it was time for a break. So what does my kind of break look like? How about more hiking! Rather than packing all we have in backpacks and carrying them everywhere we go as I did in Montana, this time we set up camp in Goblin Valley State Park in Utah, about an hour or two out of Moab. As much as I loved backpacking, I didn't mind car camp in and taking relaxing day hikes around the area. 

We spent something like four days at Goblin Valley taking hikes through near by slot canyons and through the Valley of Goblins itself. The slot canyon hikes were some of the coolest and most unique hikes I've ever done. About a ten minute drive from our campsite, there was a set of trials that traversed these super skinny canyons. How to explain them... Okay so close you eyes. Imagine the Grand Canyon. Now imagine the Grand Canyon without a river at the bottom and about the width of two of me, and that's a slot canyon. Crazy right? These things were unlike anything I'd ever seen! When I stretched both my hands out I was pushing against both walls at the same time and they were super long too. It's hard to explain but hopefully a picture will help. 

Now, the Valley of Goblins is something that I'm really not able to explain. The best I can do is to say that it looks like how you'd imagine the surface of Mars to look like. Red sand, bright sun, little to no plants. There were small towers of sand and rock that stuck up out of the ground. At most state parks, the rule is you can look at cool things but never touch them. At Goblin Valley, it was the opposite! I was down in the valley climbing on those little goblin things for hours! It was amazing. I even went 'mocking (that one's for you, Paula) between a couple! 

More important than what I've been doing physically is what God has been doing and teaching me through these things. On one of the "relaxing" hikes we took, we got lost and ended up accidentally hiking something like 16 miles (one of the leaders used an app to tell how far we'd gone). If you'd asked me that morning if I could have done 16 miles, I would have said no way. Yet I did it! The week before when we were mountain biking, we started on some pretty basic trails (though they had an unbelievable view!). From those trails we could see some harder ones. On my bike that first day I was looking at those harder trails and thinking "no way could I ever do those". But by the end of the week, I was flying down those "harder" trails! My body is capable of much more than I think. In fact my only limiter is my own mind! It's the same with faith and my relationship with Christ. Through Him, I am capable of literally anything and I am my only limiter. I look at people who have great faith and who are willing to take risks for Christ and who pray and read the Bible everyday. People like my mom, like my leaders from high school ministry at Blackhawk, like my grandparents, and I think "wow, that's great for them, but I could never be where they are". That's just not the truth. The only thing holding me back is my own mind and the restrictions and limitations I put on myself. I've proven to myself on this trip that I'm physically and spiritually capable of WAY more than I thought I'd ever be able to do. God's showing Himself in big ways through adventures in His creation. 

I'm finishing up this post as I'm in the car speeding away from the Navajo Nation on the border of Arizona and New Mexico. That means I already have another post being cooked up! The next stop on this adventure God's got me on is a week working with and learning from an urban ministry in Memphis. I've been considering urban ministry as a long term option, so I'm really excited to jump into my time in Memphis and learn more about what it looks like to serve in an urban setting. 

Thank you all for following along and reading! I apologize again for the gap between posts that was way too long. I'll do my best to keep this next break much shorter :) Also, all of your comments make me smile so keep them coming. 

A huge thank you to those of you praying for me and my adventure! Your prayers are being felt in big ways. No question about that. Please continue to pray that I would be full of energy (sleep is a bit hard to come by), about my plans for next year - that God would clearly show me where he wants me and I would be willing to jump in with both feet, and that God would continue to teach me about Himself and shape me into the man he wants me to be. 

Love you guys and God bless!

Ben Hershberger


  1. Ahhh it's finally here! Glad to see another post bro. We've missed you, but it's good to see you're spending your time well getting closer to God and your group. The mountain biking and the canyons look amazing... Definitely jealous.

    We'll keep up praying for you, and hope everything goes well in Memphis. Crank out the next post ASAP!

  2. So excited for your time in urban ministry! This seems like an amazing experience. Miss you Benno!

  3. Ben-

    So cool to read all about your adventures and the ways God is working in your life. I am in awe of all the things you are getting to do and the amazing experiences you've already had thus far. I miss you and all the fun you brought to homegroups, HSM trips, and life! See/hear from you soon!

  4. I MISS YOU! But it totally helps to hear more about all of the awesome things you are doing and all the ways you are seeing God work. I'll try and be less selfish and be okay with that fact that you aren't here :P

    Keep living the dream, I can't wait to see you!

  5. Still not a believer in making a noun do a verb's work, but I'll let it slide. So happy that you are experiencing this incredible adventure. Can't wait to see you!

  6. OHMY you look like you're having a blast!!!!!!!! (I was gunna go all caps but couldn't commit so how about a bunch of !! instead) Also these pictures are like the best thing ever, it's good to see your smile. :)

    Prayin' for you on this AWESOME adventure,


  7. Ben! This is great
    And you re right. .we're our own limitation. Thanks for sharing! It helped me to remember that.
    Hope to hear from you soon!
    Stay safe,have fun and don't worry about anything God has your back! :)
    I m praying for you as well!

  8. Holy buckets, dude! Everywhere you go looks and sounds so AMAZING!! I'm glad that God is being your encourager - I'm sure His words are much more effective than my deafening cheering ;). I've been praying for you and I definitely will keep on liftin' you up to the Big Guy, especially for this urban ministry. I am so excited to hear the ways the Lord will use this time in Memphis to mold your future. I suppose I miss you a tad bit. It was weird to go on an HSM trip and not have you there, but it sounds like you were busy having fun right where you belong.
