I'm home! I know it's been a long long time since my last post, and I'm planning on updating you all on my last few adventures as well as how I've been adjusting to life back at home here in the next few weeks. For now, I'm excited to announce that I will be interning with Blackhawk Church's middle school ministry as a Madison Missions leader! (refer to my first post here on the blog for more about what Madison Missions is).
God sure has taken me on some crazy adventures these past seven months! In the Navajo Nation in October, He showed up in a big, big way. With little construction background and general lack of knowledge, I felt overwhelmed with my position as worksite leader. Yet, in the midst of my panic and stress, he reminded me of His joy and sparked a in me a passion for showing the love of Christ to children and students. I spent time playing, teaching the Bible though art and games, and leading worship (bringing back “Big Big House” with style) with kids in the Navajo Nation.
This summer I will be interning with Blackhawk Church’s middle school ministry! As I began to consider my options for post gap year, I looked for opportunities to engage in my passion for students. Interning at Blackhawk is the perfect match. A key component of my internship will be leading six different weeks of Madison Missions, which is a local service camp where middle school students and adult leaders serve at various organizations in the Madison area. For many students, this is their first encounter with service and how to live out their faith.
As someone who participated in Madison Missions as a middle schooler, I am humbled and excited by this opportunity. Reflecting on my time as a participant, I couldn’t be more grateful for the adult leaders who I looked up to as role models as an 11, 12, and 13 year old. These Godly people had a clear passion for Christ and to show His love to me through their actions. They taught me how to serve and love like Christ. This summer I hope to do the same: to intercede in the lives of young students and be a Godly role model for them. But I need your help!
This exciting continuation of my journey is not possible without significant funding. In order to participate in the Internship Program, I need to raise $3,500 by May 8th and an additional $1,170 by July 10th (for a total of $4,670). As a such, I am honored to ask that you join me in the next phase of my journey! Please prayerfully consider giving financially. Ultimately, your donation is both an investment in me and what God could do through me in students' lives this summer. If you choose to give, click HERE to give online via eCheck, debit card or credit card. Just 18 one time gifts of $200 will put me over my first goal! If you have any questions or would just like to talk, please email me at ben.hersh.jamin@gmail.comor text or call me at (608) 577-3579. I would love to hear from you!