Monday, April 4, 2016
Summer Internship!
Monday, March 7, 2016
A True Montanan Adventure (Or Two)
Well, it's only been a month since I've last posted anything on here so I feel like it's about time that changed. The last few weeks have been a little bit crazy and a little bit slow. Since Kentucky, I've been to Western Montana and now have spent some time in Wheaton at the Leader Treks office. Though not as exciting as Montana, being here in Wheaton means some spontaneous Chicago adventure days!
I'll start with my time in Montana because, let's face it, Montana is way more epic than Illinois. In Montana, I was involved in a number of wilderness adventure trips. Unfortunately, we didn't get the experience of a true Montana winter as temperatures were at or above freezing most days. As a Wisconsinite who has been in the south and warmth most of the winter, I was a little disappointed by the lack of cold air and snow. The unusual heat also meant one of our adventure trips had to altered. Originally, it was in the books to charge around the Montanan wilderness in the deep snow with snow shoes and construct and sleep in giant snow caves. Due to the heat and lack of snow in the wilderness, we resorted to building and sleeping in giant snow caves in the front yard of the cabin we were staying in! Remember making giant snow forts as a kid (or if you're like me, last year)? That's pretty much exactly what we did. After piling up snow into a mound about seven feet tall and eight or nine feet in diameter, we simply tunneled it out and spent the night in it! Much to our Texan's surprise, these forts remained plenty warm for sleeping!
In Montana, we also got the chance to go skiing at a couple different places. Both places we skied, White Fish Resort, near Canada, and SnowBowl, just outside of Missoula, were distinctly different. White Fish Resort had incredible skiing. On the day we were there the mountain got four or five inches of new snow and visibility was next to nothing. I could hardly see two chair lifts in front of me! What made for rather terrifying lift rides, also made for beautiful runs. At White Fish I got me ski legs back underneath me and felt like I was on top of the world! Being on a mountain didn't hurt that feeling. The terrain was some of the best I've ever skied and I loved getting to ski with my brothers on this adventure with me. It did feel quite strange, however, not to be skiing alongside Dan, Jenna, mom, and dad this time around. As much as I loved my time at White Fish with the gap year guys, skiing with my family beats it every time.
SnowBowl was much smaller and less ritzy. I'd liken it to 10-15 times the size of Tyrol Basin with about the same amount of ritziness, lodging, food options, ect. The one thing this place DID have was an unbelievable view! From the top of the mountain, I felt like I could see towering mountains forever in every direction. It was unlike anything I have ever seen before in my life! It got to the point where I would almost fall as I started skiing from the top because I kept looking up at the mountains rather than down at what I was doing. As I gazed into the distance at God's breathtaking creation, He reminded me of theme of high school Snow Camp a few years ago. Magnum Opus. Masterpiece. God created the unspeakable beauty laid out before me, yet He calls me His masterpiece, handlebar mustache and all. I was blown away. Speechless. In those moments I was overwhelmed with joy and peace in His presence and glory. He created those mountains, yet I, we, are His greatest works.
Our last adventure in Montana (and Idaho, actually) was a doozy. I never thought I'd do the things I did on that day. In the morning, we woke up early and drove to hot spring waterfalls across the border into Idaho. The hot springs were about a mile hike off the highway and fed into a freezing cold, snow melt river. This combination made for natures own extreme ride. Sit under the hot springs for at least ten minutes to super-heat yourself, then move quickly toward the river. Once you reach it, lower yourself in, make sure all arms and legs are inside the vehicle at all times, and enjoy the ride! It was literally breath taking. Later that day, after an early lunch, I snow shoed up a mountain in Idaho, skied down it into Montana, and hiked back to the van in Idaho. These are the words I never thought I would say.
Switching back to life in the office a day after this crazy adventure, which was preceded by the adventures above, was not an easy transition. We went from moving and doing crazy things all day, to sitting in the office and learning more classroom and meeting style. Boy was it hard to sit still. I do feel like I learned form my time at the office, though. I learned how to better lead small group discussions, how to more effectively teach leadership, and the importance of setting a personal routine of spending time with God, in prayer and in His word daily. Also how to win at Monopoly (and board games in general) a lot. Not to toot my own hot here or anything, but I won a stretch of six board games in a row. Three games of Monopoly and three games of Settlers of Catan. Here's proof.
Next stop is a two week canoe trip on the Buffalo River in Arkansas! I'm told we will be having a 48 hour period of solo and fasting time. Although I am slightly nervous for this time, as it will be something completely new, I am also extremely excited! I can't wait to see what God has in store for me and what He will reveal to me during that time.
I also found out last week that I will be interning this summer at Blackhawk Church running and leading teams for Madison Missions! I can't wait to get started on the next leg of the journey God has me on. Be on the lookout for my support letter with more details and information about my summer ahead.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support,
Ben Hershberger